A brave new world!
It is a great honour for me to introduce the new journal, Pediatric Respiratory Journal, of the Italian Pediatric Respiratory Society. Our Society has always considered a priority the disclosure of scientific information among all the scientists and since many years is publishing a very successful journal, Pneumologia Pediatrica (Pediatric Pulmonology), in the Italian language.
The scientific committee of the Society, after a long discussion and the evaluation of both the advantages and the risks of a new scientific journal in English language, has decided to launch a new journal in English in the field of paediatric pulmonology, in view of the need to offer a new venue to the increasing number of manuscripts dealing with pediatric hot topics.
The project might be considered ambitious, but we hope to be able in a few years to have the journal cited in the most important website and that it will be able to obtain an impact factor. In order to achieve these important results, we need the contribution of all the members of our Society and we hope that in the future the Journal will be a starting point for our young scientists.
To pursue this vision, we have assembled a very prestigious Editorial Board with many top scientists from all over the world, together with many Italian researchers.
The journal will be published online 4 times a year and will include reviews, editorials and original papers. I do hope that the journal will reach in few years a prestigious standing in the international community to attract papers from all over the world.